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Australian astrology calendar, astrological guidance and insights to enhance wellbeing.


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About Me

I began teaching myself chart calculation in 1980 when transiting Uranus was making a conjunction to my natal Jupiter in Scorpio. I went on to study with Alan Johnston and then the Melbourne School of Astrology with Sean McNamara. I attained my FAA Astrology Diploma in 1985 and later studied clinical hypnotherapy and then professional writing and editing. I am particularly interested in planetary cycles and enjoy writing and research. Over the years, I have developed my own style of astrology that is grounded in celestial movement and how archetypes inform personal development and events on Earth.

Your work is awesome

I really think your work is awesome!
Mary Plumb.

I adore your Venus and Mars book

I adore your book, The Sacred Dance of Venus and Mars and I'd love to chat with you about Venus and Mars in my chart.
Name withheld

I highly recommend

I highly recommend The Test of Time to those already familiar with astrology who wish to further their understanding of the interesting dynamics of stationary planets.
Carol C.

Michele's writing style is reassuring

Michele's writing style is reassuring and conversational, reminding us that whatever life path we're on, if we practice and have patience, we will improve and learn as we go.
Carol C.
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